We pride ourselves on providing the most suitable candidates to our clients. That’s why we have been around for 30 years. We do this by meeting our clients and understanding the nature of the work. We will do a quick site visit as part of your account setup as standard.
Submit a talent request here or call us to let us know what you’re looking for. Our expert consultants will then ask you a few questions to make sure we understand your requirements.
We will send you an hourly quote for labour-hire that includes casual loading payroll tax, WorkCover and superannuation and any other government-mandated minimums.
Once your account is set up, you can call us anytime on our 24-hour line to order staff. At the end of each week, we will send you a single invoice, and we do all the rest. You don’t need to worry about payroll, sick leave, holiday etc.
Contact us 24/ 7, 365 days a year!